This certificate is issued to foreign citizens who can demonstrate that they have resided in Mexico with a permanent resident status for at least the five years immediately prior to the date of their naturalization application, or two years of residency if:
- She or he is a direct descendant of a Mexican by birth or
- Is the mother or father of a Mexican by birth or
- Is a national of a Latin American or Iberian country or
- To the judgment of the Secretariat, she or he has performed or created outstanding works in a cultural, social, scientific, technical, artistic, sports or business area that benefit the nation, in which case, the foreigner is not required to have resided in the country for the number of years prescribed in the law
- Foreigners who marry Mexicans must show that they have resided and lived together as a couple in Mexico for two years immediately prior to the date of the application. It will not be necessary for the couple's residence to be located in Mexico if the Mexican spouse is residing abroad in the service or on behalf of the Mexican government. For marriages between foreigners, the acquisition of Mexican nationality by one of the spouses after the marriage will permit the other spouse to obtain nationality, provided he/she meets the requirements of this subsection and
- Residence of one year immediately prior to the application will be sufficient in the case of adopted children and minor descendants to the second degree subject to the parental authority of a Mexican. If the person exercising parental authority has not applied to have his/her adopted children or the minors naturalized, they may apply for naturalization within one year after the date on which they reach the age of majority, in the terms of this subsection.
Main requirements:
- At least 18 years of age
- Have been lawfully admitted to Mexico under the Immigrant Status
- Have resided in the country continuously for at least 2 or 5 years
- Are able to speak, read, and write the Spanish language
- Have knowledge of the Mexican government and Mexican history
- Are of good moral character and
- Are attached to the principles of the Mexican Constitution.
In compliance with Article 19 (part III) of the Law of Nationality, those interested in obtaining Mexican nationality through naturalization must take a test on his/her general knowledge of Mexican history and culture. The recommended bibliography is the book “Nueva Historia Mínima de México” (abridged version), published by El Colegio de México. Alternatively, a study guide can be downloaded from the following link:
The naturalization certificate will be valid starting on the day after it is issued.
Anyone who acquires Mexican nationality may retain it, even after a divorce, except in the event that the marriage is annulled for causes attributable to the naturalized spouse.